Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Nietsche and his epiphanies

It is incredible how accurately Nietsche describes the epiphanies that are coming often to me about my Noesis Theory!! It is truly a wonderful experience!

Something profoundly convulsive…suddenly becomes visible and audible with indescribable definiteness and exactness…There is an ecstasy whose terrific tension is sometimes released by a flood of tears…There is a feeling that one is utterly out of hand…Everything occurs without volition, as if an eruption of freedom, independence, power, and divinity. The spontaneity of the images and similes is most remarkable; one loses all perception of what is imagery and simile; everything offers itself as the most immediate, exact, and simple means of expression.

Simply amazing how unique experiences such as this transcend individuality and manifest in the way across times and minds. And all this because, deep down, deep inside, the brain operates by just one algorithm...